42 mefenoxam 2 aq label
PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Wickes/arborists™ Specimen Label Mefenoxam 2 AQSpecimen Label 2 Where rate ranges are specified on this label, use the higher rate when heavy disease pressure is expected and the lower rate when disease pressure is expected to be light, unless otherwise noted. To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may result. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - DoMyOwn.com Quali-Pro®Mefenoxam 2 AQ is an aqueous flowable systemic fungicide for use on selected turf, nursery, and ornamental crops to control certain diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. Other fungicides must be used to control diseases incited by other classes of fungi. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT
Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Control Solutions Inc Fungicide Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide is formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora spp. as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. It features a water-based formula with low odor and it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks.

Mefenoxam 2 aq label
PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - whymonster.com Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Active ingredient: % BY Wt. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) methoxyacetylamino]propionic acid methyl ester . . .22.5% ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also ... Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Mefenoxam 2 AQ has a water-based formulation that features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - pestweb.com Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: % BY WT. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) EPA Est. No. 37429-GA-001 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050.
Mefenoxam 2 aq label. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - Amazon Web Services Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Alone: Add 1/4 - 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank. With the agitator running, add the proper amount of Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ; then add the rest of the water. Begin application of the spray solution after this product has completely dispersed into the mix water. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - DoMyOwn.com MEFENOXAM 2 AQ Fungicide An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact Prosar at 1-877-250-9291 for emergency PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - Bartlett MEFENOXAM 2 AQ Fungicide An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact Prosar at 1-877-250-9291 for emergency PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Keystone Pest Solutions Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Active ingredient: % BY Wt. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) methoxyacetylamino]propionic acid methyl ester . . .22.5% ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also ...
PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - Naturchem Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: % BY WT. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) EPA Est. No. 37429-GA-001 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - DoMyOwn.com Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Alone: Add 1/4 - 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank. With the agitator running, add the proper amount of Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ; then add the rest of the water. Begin application of the spray solution after this product has completely dispersed into the mix water. Maintain PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Newsom Seed Specimen Label Mefenoxam 2 AQSpecimen Label 2 Where rate ranges are specified on this label, use the higher rate when heavy disease pressure is expected and the lower rate when disease pressure is expected to be light, unless otherwise noted. To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may result. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - PestWeb Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Alone: Add 1/4 - 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank. With the agitator running, add the proper amount of Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ; then add the rest of the water. Begin application of the spray solution after this product has completely dispersed into the mix water. Maintain
PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - bartlett.com MEFENOXAM 2 AQ Fungicide An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact Prosar at 1-877-250-9291 for emergency Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Product label indicates, "SOIL SURFACE SPRAY:Apply 0.49 – 0.98 fl oz Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ in 1 to 5 gals of water per 1000 sq ft immediately after seeding. Re-treat at 7- to 14-day intervals if conditions remain favorable for disease. For best efficacy, 1/2 inch irrigation or rainfall is required within 24 hours after application." › mefenoxam-aq-fungicide-p-16650Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Product label indicates, "SOIL SURFACE SPRAY:Apply 0.49 – 0.98 fl oz Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ in 1 to 5 gals of water per 1000 sq ft immediately after seeding. Re-treat at 7- to 14-day intervals if conditions remain favorable for disease. For best efficacy, 1/2 inch irrigation or rainfall is required within 24 hours after application." PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Agrian Mefenoxam 2 AQ Specimen Label 2 Where rate ranges are specified on this label, use the higher rate when heavy disease pressure is expected and the lower rate when disease pressure is expected to be light, unless otherwise noted. To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may result. MIXING ...
Mefenoxam 2 AQ | Quali-Pro | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Mefenoxam 2 AQ from Quali-Pro. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... Mefenoxam 2 AQ Quali-Pro. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 50804 Active ingredients Mefenoxam Classification. 4. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action A1: RNA polymerase I. Registration ...
PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - diypestcontrol MEFENOXAM 2 AQ Fungicide An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact Prosar at 1-877-250-9291 for emergency
PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - pestweb.com Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: % BY WT. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) EPA Est. No. 37429-GA-001 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050.
Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Mefenoxam 2 AQ has a water-based formulation that features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months.
PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - whymonster.com Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Active ingredient: % BY Wt. Mefenoxam*: (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl) methoxyacetylamino]propionic acid methyl ester . . .22.5% ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also ...
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