44 zidua herbicide label
Zidua SC NVA 2017-04-489-0048 weed control winter wheat 08-22-2017 S Zidua® SC herbicide container label, EPA Reg. No. 7969-374, must be in possession of the user at the time of application. • Read the label affixed to the container for Zidua SC before applying. • Use of Zidua SC according to this labeling is subject to the use precautions and limitations imposed by the Zidua SC NVA 2017-04-489-0047 sunflower 08-22-2017 S Zidua® SC herbicide container label, EPA Reg. No. 7969-374, must be in possession of the user at the time of application. • Read the label affixed to the container for Zidua SC before applying. • Use of Zidua SC according to this labeling is subject to the use precautions and limitations imposed by the
Zidua® SC Herbicide - BASF Zidua SC provides farmers with long-lasting residual activity and broad spectrum weed control. Labels & sds Connect with your local rep Get product advice and consultation from your BASF Representative. Benefits of Zidua ® SC Herbicide Broad spectrum control last up to two weeks longer than many competitive products

Zidua herbicide label
PDF Zidua Soybean The New Standard For Residual Control Is Now Labeled For Soybeans Technical Information Bulletin Benefits of Zidua® Herbicide nLongest lasting residual control—up to two weeks longer than other herbicides nNew standard for use flexibility nUse rates are as much as 10 times less than other brands nSuperior Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp control Zidua Herbicide Now Labeled for Residual Weed Control at Layby Zidua - which contains the active ingredient pyroxasulfone - is a selective residual herbicide for control of annual grass weeds, sedges and annual broadleaf weeds. According to the supplemental label, the product can be applied as a broadcast-directed spray between cotton rows from the five-leaf stage to beginning bloom stage for residual ... PDF Group 15 Herbicide - Agrian Zidua® herbicide is a selective rate-dependent preemer-gence herbicide for controlling annual grasses, sedges and annual broadleaf weeds listed in Table 1. Refer to Crop-specific Information section for recommendations on herbicide tank mixtures or sequential programs. Dry weather following applications of Zidua may reduce effectiveness.
Zidua herbicide label. PDF Zidua NVA 2017-04-388-0013 amended rot crop int 02-24-2017 S Zidua is a selective rate-dependent residual preemergence herbicide for controlling annual grasses, sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds. Refer to the Zidua container label for a complete list of weeds controlled and for specific application use directions in labeled crops. Group 15 Herbicide US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, ZIDUA HERBICIDE,05/29 ... UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, DC 20460. Fast Track Label Acceptable v.20150320. OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION. May 29, 2019. Craig D. Kleppe Product Registration Manager BASF Corporation 26 Davis Drive, PO Box 13528 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Subject: Label Amendment - Adding previously approved uses to label Product Name: Zidua Herbicide EPA Registration Number: 7969-338 Application Date: 1/21/2019 Decision Number: 548056. Home - Label Database - CDMS Zidua® SC herbicide. BASF Ag Products PYROXASULFONE 7969-374. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state ... Specimen Label, NVA 2021-04-489-0112 Supplemental Label, ... PDF Safety Data Sheet ZIDUA - msds.mkap.com Product identifier used on the label ZIDUA Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: herbicide * The "Recommended use" identified for this product is provided solely to comply with a Federal requirement and is not part of the seller's published specification.
PDF Zidua PRO NVA 2017-04-482-0139 6898CR5 the possession of the user at time of herbicide application. Read the entire label. Use strictly in accordance with pre-cautionary statements and directions and with applicable ... herbicide. The use of Zidua PRO not consistent with this label can result in injury to crops, animals or persons, poor ... Zidua SC - BASF herbicide Zidua SC herbicide is a selective rate-dependent residual preemergence herbicide for controlling annual grass weeds, sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds (including biotypes resistant to ACCase inhibitors, ALS inhibitors, and glyphosate) that infest celery, chickpea, corn, cotton, dry bulb onions, fallow, leek, mint, peanut, perennial coolseason grasses grown for seed production, potato, safflower, soybean, and sunflower listed in Table 1 and wheat listed in Table 2. Zidua Label and Usage in Peanut Zidua (pyrosasulfone) is a WSSA group 15 herbicide, which has similar mode of action to Dual Magnum. (S-metolachlor), Warrant (acetochlor), and Outlook.2 pages PDF Zidua NVA 2019-04-388-0103 grass seed 06-05-2019 Subset S Zidua® herbicide container label, EPA Reg. No. 7969-338, must be in possession of the user at the time of application. • Read the label affixed to the container for Zidua before applying. • Use of Zidua according to this labeling is subject to the use precautions and limitations imposed by the label affixed to the container for Zidua.
Zidua PRO | BASF Ag Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Zidua PRO from BASF Ag Products. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. Home Advanced search About us Contact. ... Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 15 Inhibition of VLCFAE. Registration EPA: 7969-365. Home - Label Database - CDMS Zidua® Herbicide. BASF Ag Products PYROXASULFONE 7969-338. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state ... Specimen Label, NVA 2017-04-388-0225 24(c) Registration, ... BASF | Product Profile - Zidua® SC Herbicide Zidua SC Group 15 Residual control of key annual grasses and select broadleaf weeds. Group 15 chemistry delivers control of tough weeds, including resistant pigweed, waterhemp, kochia, green foxtail and suppression of wild oats Residual activity controls germinating weed seedlings before or soon after crop emergence Zidua® PRO Powered by Kixor® Herbicide - BASF You can plant your beans and spray Zidua PRO herbicide the same day — something you can't do with 2,4-D herbicides. The product label contains details on each soil type. It's a solution for any soybean system as it works with Roundup Ready ® , LibertyLink ® , Non-GMO and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend ® , and in conventional tillage, no-till and reduced-till systems.
PDF Group 15 Herbicide - Keystone Pest Solutions Zidua® herbicide is a selective rate-dependent preemergence herbicide for controlling annual grass weeds, sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds (including biotypes resistant to ACCase inhibitors, ALS inhibitors, and glyphosate) that infest corn, cotton, fallow, and soybean listed in Table 1 and wheat listed in Table 2. Refer to
Zidua SC | BASF Ag Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Zidua SC BASF Ag Products. Labels. Label SDS SDS. Snapshot ID: 63142 Active ingredients Pyroxasulfone Classification. K3. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 15 Inhibition of VLCFAE. Registration EPA: 7969-374. ... This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Users of this database must read and follow the actual ...
PDF Product Label - Zidua SC - BASF ZIDUA SC is a suspension concentrate herbicide for the control of labelled annual grasses and annua lbroadleaf weeds in corn, soybeans, sunflowers, lentils, chckpi eas, dry feid peal s , potatoes, and mint; and as a post-harvest treatment. PRECAUTIONS . KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
BASF | Product Profile - Zidua® SC Herbicide Zidua SC Group 15 Residual control of key annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Group 15 chemistry delivers control of tough weeds, including resistant redroot pigweed and waterhemp Residual activity controls germinating weed seedlings before or soon after crop emergence
Zidua ® Herbicide - Farming & Crop Protection We share your passion for farming. That's why we partner with you every day to push past the status quo and get you the most, acre after acre, season after season. You may never leave this land, but on it, there are places you can go, goals you can reach, yields you can top. Our job is to help you reach them by applying the right agronomic ...
Home - Label Database - CDMS This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state
Zidua | BASF Ag Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Personal Protection. Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as barrier laminate, butyl rubber ≥ 14 mils, nitrile rubber ≥ 14 mils, neoprene rubber ≥ 14 mils, natural rubber ≥ 14 mils, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride ≥ 14 mils, or viton ≥ 14 mils Shoes plus socks.
PDF Safety Data Sheet Zidua SC Herbicide - Amazon Web Services, Inc. Zidua SC Herbicide Revision date : 2018/06/25 Page: 1/12 Version: 1.0 (30713674/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Identification Product identifier used on the label Zidua SC Herbicide Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: herbicide
PDF Group 15 Herbicide - Keystone Pest Solutions When Zidua SC is not activated and weeds emerge, a labeled postemergence herbicide or shallow cultivation may be needed to control weed escapes. Herbicidal activity of Zidua SC may be reduced if trash on the soil surface from the previous crop covers more than 25% of the application area.
Product Profile - Zidua® SC - BASF One case of Zidua SC herbicide will treat 84 to 165 acres. ... *Refer to label for complete list of tank mixes for other registered crops. Application Tips. A minimum of 2 inches of soil covering the vegetative portion of potato plants following drag-off or hilling is required;
PDF Group 15 Herbicide - Agrian Zidua® herbicide is a selective rate-dependent preemer-gence herbicide for controlling annual grasses, sedges and annual broadleaf weeds listed in Table 1. Refer to Crop-specific Information section for recommendations on herbicide tank mixtures or sequential programs. Dry weather following applications of Zidua may reduce effectiveness.
Zidua Herbicide Now Labeled for Residual Weed Control at Layby Zidua - which contains the active ingredient pyroxasulfone - is a selective residual herbicide for control of annual grass weeds, sedges and annual broadleaf weeds. According to the supplemental label, the product can be applied as a broadcast-directed spray between cotton rows from the five-leaf stage to beginning bloom stage for residual ...
PDF Zidua Soybean The New Standard For Residual Control Is Now Labeled For Soybeans Technical Information Bulletin Benefits of Zidua® Herbicide nLongest lasting residual control—up to two weeks longer than other herbicides nNew standard for use flexibility nUse rates are as much as 10 times less than other brands nSuperior Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp control
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